Reviewing what I did during 2021 I put together this list with the 53 events in which I participated as a speaker or organizer.
January : +1
- My talk on education at RStudio::global was the first talk in a language other than English. I generated this web page to accompany it.
February: +5
I gave a talk on Geotechnologies in the service of agriculture and satellite imagery at the Kilimo Irrigation Academy.
I was invited to the panel Sisterhood, communities and the empowerment of women in science at the International Meeting of Women and Girls in Science in Ecuador.
I also taught the MetaDocencia course Introduction to online teaching essentials.
I was interviewed about Data science in the agricultural sector and from the public sector for the Podcast Cadena de Datos.
March: +8
I lectured on Data Science at the service of the agricultural sector for the Austral University.
I teach two times the coursen Introduction to online teaching essentials for MetaDocencia.
April: +12
I taught the course How to teach programming online for MetaDocencia.
I was invited to the panel DEI SIG - Facilitating discussions around DEI organized by the Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement
I helped organize the meta-meetup R-Ladies+ Feat. useR! 2021 where 8 R-Ladies chapters convened chapter organizers to tell their experience as R-Ladies and as useR! participants.
I was invited to a discussion session about the Strategic Knowledge Network: Modeling in Agroecosystems with researchers and extensionists from INTA.
May: +17
I taught the course Generating interactive tutorials with the {learnr} package for MetaDocencia.
I Co-organized the Bird of Feather Tracking Impact and Measuring Success in Data Education Events at the csv,conf,v6
I was keynote of the X International Seminar on Applied Statistics with my talk Data Science Applications in the Agricultural Sector.
I gave a presentation on Strategic Knowledge Network: Modeling in Agroecosystems for researchers and extensionists.
I was invited to lecture on Data Science applied to the agricultural sector at Women in Data Science La Paz - Bolivia.
June: +24
I was invited as a data scientist to the Open Post Academics - Open Problem Workshop.
I taught twice the Introduction to online teaching essentials MetaDocencia’s Course.
I organized the Seminar Modeling of AgroEcosystems where Programming of a dynamic daily step model in R: Development of the CronoSoja model was presented.
I was invited as a panelist to the Coffee Chat IT Trends for Agriculture in Colombia.
I gave a lecture on Geotechnologies in the era of Big Data invited by Universidad Austral in Rosario.
I was interviewed for the podcast AgroEvolución on the use of data and information in agriculture.
July: +31
I was the global coordinator of the best conference I have ever been part of: useR! 2021. The organization thought about the inclusion, accessibility and diversity aspects from the beginning of the conference and although we have a lot to improve we were able to show that there are many things that can be done with planning and hard work.
I taught 3 courses on the use of Zoom in conferences for the people who fulfilled the role of Zoom host for useR! 2021. I taught in English for the first time.
Taught MetaDocencia’s Introduction to online teaching essentials course.
I taught a MasterClass on Digital Agriculture at the FieldView Digital Week.
Co-organized the series R User Meetings at INTA for researchers and extensionists related to agriculture.
August: +33
Taught MetaDocencia’s How to teach programming online course.
Co-taught my first instructor training for The Carpentries organized by MetaDocencia.
September: +38
Taught MetaDocencia’s Introduction to online teaching essentials course.
I gave the seminar Clustering to determine Preponderant Productive Systems at the INTA R Users Meetings.
I gave the invited talk Agricultural Applications of Data Science at the Second Regional Conference on Data Science.
I participated in a panel called Missing Narratives in Diversity and Inclusion Discussions at the SeptembRSE conference on Research Software Engineering (or Scientific Software). I was nominated for the panel via an open form and it was a very pleasant surprise to receive the invitation.
I co-organized the training Introduction to Geographic Information Systems for INTA researchers and extensionists.
October: +44
I had the honor of being general chair of the virtual 50 JAIIO with 14 symposia and a student competition. There were +500 papers on 3 YouTube channels and 10 keynotes. They were a success of participation during the 10 days of the conference.
Once again I was chair of the Congreso de AgroInformática, again virtual and with two days full of papers in Spanish and Portuguese related to the use of AgTech. We had two keynotes from INTA researchers.
I gave the MetaDocencia course Introduction to online teaching essentials.
I was part of the panel called R-Ladies: Building, Growing, and Sustaining a Community at the Women in Statistics and Data Science conference. I shared that panel with other R-Ladies who are doing sustained and important work for the community.
I gave the keynote Teaching to teach without losing anyone along the way together with the geniuses Patricia Loto and Mariela Rajngewerc representing the entire MetaDocencia team.
I was one of the teachers of the course Data Science for Tourism for the North - Litoral region.
November: +51
I was again chair of LatinR 2021 <- Latin American Conference on Use of R in Research & Development in virtual format. Three days of conference, with four tutorials, 2 invited talks and 49 contributions in Spanish, Portuguese and English. The conference was free and all material is open access.
I presented the talk Interactive tutorials for teaching R at the LatinR 2021 Education session.
I presented the talk MetaDocencia: teaching how to teach technology together at the XI Argentine Congress of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (XI CAB2C).
I was one of the teachers of the course Data Science for Tourism for the Patagonia region.
I was part of the panel Do we have the right tools for research? of the RS Camp: Beyond the Spreadsheet.
I taught, together with Paola Corrales the course From spreadsheets to R as part of the RS Camp: Beyond the Spreadsheet and MetaDocencia. It was the first time I taught R in English.
I was a guest panelist at “Building RSE Communities Worldwide” with this talk during the Research Software Engineers in HPC (RSE-HPC-2021).
December: +53
I was one of the teachers of the Data Science for Tourism course for the Central region.
I was keynote speaker at the Statistics Virtual Seminar “Big data and Data Science” in Colombia with the talk Data Science applied to Agriculture.