Learner Personas

Learner Personas

The Learner Personas describe the audience for whom the course was intended. This information should help in the development of the lessons, how to present and disseminate the course and in the decision to use the materials, both to take the course, and/or to use them in order to generate your own.

If you want to learn more about Learner Personas and how to teach tech stuff go here: http://teachtogether.tech/

Antonia is an accountant working in a Bank. She is young (30-45 years old). She works with many different data sources and has a lot of experience using Excel and Word. She know some basic SQL. She needs to be able to join and analyze these various data sources and generate reports for her team and her bosses. She never used R. She can’t go to workshop in work time (7.00 am to 13.00 pm), and she is a mother so need to finish before children get out of school. She is very busy and with high demand, so an intensive workshop outside her workplace is the best option for Antonia.

Facundo is an early-career research. He must make reports that include statistics as part of his activities at his University. Use Excel and InfoStat (an menu-based statistics program) to record his data and perform their calculations; and then use Word to write his reports by copying and pasting from the other softwares. He has heard of the tools that R has and is interested in learning to use them. He only used R through Rcomander, wich learn in a course about statistics.
