Getting started with Git with R
This course in Spanish was organized by R-Ladies Santa Rosa, R-Ladies General Pico and R-Ladies Buenos Aires
Introduce to version control using Git from RStudio.
- What is version control.
- What is git, how is it different from GitHub.
- What are the states of a file that has version control.
- What are the git commands to change those states.
- How to have version control in an RStudio project.
- How do I apply git commands from RStudio.
In this link you have access to the material:
Video (in Spanish):
This course is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Cite as
Yanina Bellini Saibene, & Marysol Gatti. (2020, September). yabellini/Intro_to_Git_with_Rstudio: Primeros pasos de Git con R y RStudio (Version v1.0). Zenodo.